Global Speaking Fellow
Application Process
Applicants may apply:
Via the member’s home association website, which is linked to the secure GSF website portal.
Directly through the GSF website.
Each stage of the application must be successfully completed prior to moving to the next stage. The process takes approximately three months to complete from the date of application submission. The application follows a multi-stage process and each stage has a number of component elements that are verified, reviewed, and tested. The stages are:
Stage 1: Application Submission and Review
Stage 2: External (Client) Review of Applicant
Stage 3: Internal (Peer) Review of Applicant
Stage 4: Final Review and Decision
The application stages have a number of specific parts and these are listed below.
Stage 1: Application Submission & Review
Part 1: Applicant Information – contact information, CV/resume, areas of expertise, membership information
Part 2: Global Speaking Experience – dates, regions, contact information, fees (note that an independent audit is performed)
Part 3: Adherence to Professional Integrity – signature check on Code of Conduct
Part 4: Link to applicable video footage (or equivalent) of applicant
Part 5: Submission of administrative application fee
All forms for the Application Submission are provided via member’s home association Website or can be obtained at the GSF website submission portal. The forms include detailed instructions to assist in their completion. The Application Submission is completed though the secure GSF website portal, which is usually linked to the member’s home association website.
Applicants may be asked to provide detailed information on specific engagements, in-person and/or virtual, within their application. By submitting an application, the applicant agrees to make available the requested documentation to an independent GSF staff person reviewing the application. The GSF staff person is not a member of GSF and all fee information provided is confidential. All documents will be held securely.
Once Stage One is completed and Application materials are verified, and if a pass is issued, the External (Client) Review Process is initiated.
Stage 2: External (Client) Review of Applicant
The External Review consists of a standardized evaluation form that will be sent to a random selection of global clients provided in the Application submission process. The responses to this form are assessed by the evaluation team. Once Stage Two is deemed as passing, the application is moved to the Internal (Peer) Review Process.
Stage 3: Internal (Peer) Review of Applicant
The Internal Review consists of the evaluation team assessing the submitted materials and video. If additional questions or clarifications are required, a verbal interview may be scheduled with the applicant.
Stage 4: Final Review and Decision
The information from Stages 1, 2, and 3 are provided to the GSF Global Designation committee who will render a final decision. The applicant and home association will be notified of the final decision. Recognition of the achievement will ideally take place during their home association’s annual convention and/or during a Global Speakers Summit.
Application Stages in Detail
Stage One: Application Submission & Review
The home association qualifies that the applicant is a CSP, is a member in good standing, and has no outstanding ethics violations or other sanctions by his/her member association in the last 60 months. The application then goes to the GSF where it is determined if the applicant is speaking professionally on a global level. This is done by verifying the completed engagement form indicating speaking experience specific to the applicant’s global work over the last 60 months. All engagements must be fee-paid and/or consist of same day product sales.
Stage One includes the following:
A minimum of 36 in-person and/or live virtual presentations in the most recent 60 months prior to application. Pre-recorded presentations do not qualify.
Presentations must span a minimum of three (3) of the five (5) major regions identified by the United Nations, with a minimum of two (2) countries in each region (see Appendix D). Note that these criteria were updated in 2017 and changed from the original qualifications. For live virtual presentations, the country the majority of viewers are located in will be considered the target country for the presentation.
Link to online video(s) – at least one for each format (i.e., in-person or live virtual). The video(s) must be an unedited and continuous for at least 30 minutes.
Global events in the domestic market may be listed when the audiences are international with a cultural-linguistics set differing from the applicant. The makeup of the audience is critical to the measure. All local-market engagements will be audited to assure the audience was primarily different from the presenter in language and cultural practices.
All engagements listed are paid, either through a fee or product sales the same day of the engagement, and the applicant must submit documentation to the independent GSF staff person to verify engagements and income. The GSF staff person will randomly select engagements for the audit.
Stage Two: External (Client) Review of Applicant
The GSF will determine that the applicant is speaking and meeting client expectations on a global level. This is done by verifying client satisfaction and feedback via an external evaluation form on presentation work or equivalent.
Stage Two includes the following:
Response from at least 20 clients to an online evaluation of the applicant.
Stage Three: Internal (Peer) Review of Applicant
The GSF will determine that the applicant has a mastery of the global speaking competencies. This is done through a review and an assessment of the submitted materials (except for fees) and the submitted video by the evaluation team. If there are questions or concerns on the part of the evaluation team, then a knowledge assessment interview (where the applicant answers questions verbally) may be conducted.
Stage Three includes the following:
Review submission of an unedited and continuous video of the presenter of at least 30-minutes in length with a minimum of one for each type of presentation (i.e., in-person and virtual).
The evaluation team independently evaluates the applicant’s submitted video(s) and submits an online evaluation of the applicant.
If required, a 30-minute verbal knowledge assessment interview of the core competencies will be made and will be designed to verify that the applicant has a firm grasp on the nuances of globally speaking under a variety of conditions. The assessment will be scored based on the weighted value of the competency elements.
Stage Four: Final Review and Decision
The GSF Global Designation committee will review all the material and evaluations from Stages 1, 2 and 3 and will render a final decision.
Stage Four includes the following:
If a decision is made that candidate has been approved, the candidate is notified and their home association is notified. The formal notification letter and conferment is made by the candidate’s home association.
If a decision is made that the candidate is not approved, the candidate is notified.
Incomplete Application
Based on the information provided on the application, an applicant may not meet the minimum standards to advance to the review and assessment stage. An application will be denied if it is incomplete, does not reflect the applicant’s most recent professional experience (i.e., the application represents a timeframe outside of the recent 60 months), the information is misrepresented, and/or the supporting documentation is not supplied when requested. The list of presentations is to be submitted in English. If an application is incomplete, the applicant will be notified and have 30 days to correct the application, staying within the same timeframe represented in the application, and can resubmit without additional fees. If the application remains incomplete after the 30 days, the applicant must start over and must complete the submission process representing the updated time frame.
Applications containing misrepresented information will result in the disqualification of the applicant.
Are you ready to apply for the Global Speaking Fellow?
If you already have the CSP or FPSA designation apply today!